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Is the Government Contracting Market Only for the Big Players?

Uncategorized Mar 26, 2024

Is the Government Contracting Market Only for the Big Players?

The market for government contracts is often perceived as dominated by large corporations, but in reality, it is an open field where small and mid-sized companies have a significant advantage. Despite the common misconception, $1,000,000,000 in new contracting opportunities are available every day, not just for the giants but for agile and innovative smaller businesses ready to navigate the complexities of government contracting.

Can Small and Mid-Sized Companies Really Win Government Contracts?

Absolutely. Contrary to what many believe, 95% of government projects actually go to small and mid-sized companies. This statistic shatters the myth that only large corporations stand a chance, proving that the government actively encourages participation from smaller entities. It's a clear indication that with the right approach, smaller businesses have a substantial opportunity to compete and win.

How Important is Pricing in...

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Women-Owned Small Business Resources Webinar-Friday Aug. 28th, 2pm EDT

Uncategorized Sep 14, 2020

The United States Department of Transportation's (DOT) Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) invites you to participate in the Department's Woman-Owned Small Business Resources Webinar to be held on Friday, August 28th at 2:00 pm EDT.

This event is a collaboration between the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to inform women-owned small businesses about the tools available at these three cabinet-level agencies.

Topics to be covered:

  • Overview of DOT small business programs, mission and resources
  • Overview of HUD small business programs and mission
  • SBA Women’s Business Ownership Programs including technical assistance provided through Women Business Centers

Please register by COB August 24th. If you have any questions, please contact DOT at 202-366-1930 or email [email protected].

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How Small Businesses can Power thru during the COVID 19 Pandemic

Undoubtedly, small businesses take the hardest hit from the current COVID 19 pandemic. Some small businesses have been significantly running at a loss since most of their customers are at home to flatten the highly infectious virus curve. Without cash flow, some might even be considering shutting down already while some are still growing.


What innovative ideas can small businesses put in place to survive the pandemic and grow afterward? There is no easy answer to this question, but here a few tips you can implement to survive and thrive in this unprecedented time.


  1. Keep calm and take care of yourself.

Not panicking in a situation when you are running out of cash can be quite difficult. But, always remember to care for yourself. Taking good care of yourself keeps you calm, and when you are calm, your staff are calm. That gives everyone a healthier mindset to create innovative ideas for growth.


Take time to reflect before you make drastic decisions. Ask for...

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Boost your Business- Get Government Contracts Free Workshop-Live Via Zoom

Get Government Contracts, get bigger, better jobs! 

Are you wondering how you can start getting contracts with the government? 

Perhaps you're wondering how and where you can start looking for these contracts and not to mention what is the process?

Join us on Thursday for a Free Workshop at 10am Live Via Zoom. A link will be sent to you after sign up.